Monday, 1 August 2016

August TBR.

In July I managed to read FIVE books. Which I'm quite pleased with. A couple of those books were short reads though but none the less, I read five books. You can read my July Wrap Up here

August TBR

This month I plan on reading the following:

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. This book is rather long with it being 552 pages. So wish me luck! I've seen the movie and loved it so I'm excited to read the book! Being the historical fiction fan I am, I think I'll like this one.

Alfie, the doorstep cat by Rachel Wells. This book keeps popping up on my recommend list on goodreads because I've read 'A street cat named Bob'. And the cat lover that I am, I think I'll enjoy this book!

I also need to finish reading The Sisters by Claire Douglas. I started this book on my kindle, in July but haven't yet finished it. I think I'm something like 40% of the way through.

What's on your August To Be Read list?
Read With Me


  1. I have A Street Cat called Bob on my 'to read' pile. I'll get to it one day!


  2. I really want to read the Book Thief, need some time to dedicate to it though, thanks for sharing with #ReadWithMe

  3. I've got a huge TBR pile, I've just added Harry Potter to the top of it! #readwithme

  4. The Book Thief is one of my absolute favourite books, although it must be about 10 years since I read it now. I've still never seen the film! My reading slows right down in August, with the kids off school. I'm currently reading The Girl in the Spider's Web, which is the sequel to the Stieg Larsson Millennium series by a different author, and it will probably take me nearly all month to read it!
