Sunday, 3 July 2016

My TBR for July.

I read 6 or 7 books in June, which is a lot for me! Considering last year, I read a total of 25 books and I've already read 32 books this year, I am doing well. July is going to be a busy month for me as it's the end of the school term. I have three children who all have end of year plays, assemblies, induction days at high school... Sports days.. The list is endless. You can read more about all of that over on my blog. I am determined to read four books though!
The books I'd like to try and read are as follows..

Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon

Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon - A young Adult contemporary book. I've seen this book floating around on youtube and book blogs, everyone seems to have read it. It's also one of Zoe Suggs book picks for her book club I do believe. It has good reviews and I'm really looking forward to reading this book. (I also really love the cover!)

A photo posted by ★ sarah (@the.bookhub) on

The girl with no name by Diney Costelloe - World War II fiction. I am reading this on my kindle. I started reading this book at the end of June but had to take a break from reading due to visual problems (I have a rare brain disease that causes my vision to become blurry). I read Diney Costelloes 'The Runaway Family' last month and throughly enjoyed that book. I reviewed that book here. So far I am really enjoying 'The Girl With No name'

A photo posted by ★ sarah (@the.bookhub) on

If I stay by Gayle Foreman - Young adult fiction. Another book I've heard a lot about and I was so pleased I found it in a charity shop in excellent condition. I'd also like to watch the movie after I've read the book. It seems to have really good reviews and a lot of people have recommended I read this book! I don't honestly know that much about it if I'm honest. Sometimes I prefer not knowing much about a book, I find I get into it better and have less expectations.

I'd also like to read 'The Boy In Stripped Pajamas' I have seen the movie (more than once!) and I'd like to see how true the movie is to the book. It's quite a short book so maybe I can squeeze it in somewhere.

What's on your 'To Be Read' list for July? Or what have you read lately?

Sarah xXx

 My lifestyle/family blog: Ups & Downs, Smiles & Frowns


  1. Oooh let me know how everything everything is for you and if I stay. I'll read one or both in August I think
    Well done on reading 32 books already!! Omg! I'm only on 12 haha!

  2. Hmm. If I Stay seems interesting. Maybe I'll check that one out. The other one I might have been interested in said, "heart wrenching" on the cover (can't bear it).
